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Been Some Time!

Has it really been this long since I added anything to my blog?  I was on "Quora" reading Unkraine stuff, and side comments about the Second World War came up for some reason. Who did or didn't make a difference, how bad the US was, how little difference having the United States come in on the side of the UK made. How it actually COMPLICATED things for the allies? WTF?  I got "hit with a rant." Here it is: I get as tired of this blatant US hating history revision from folks as I do with the “Merica single-handedly won both world wars” crapola.   WWI Regarding some of the Euro's here going after how unprepared the US was entering the war, and just how much of a difference it made. Without the US, the Central powers and the allies negotiate a truce by 1916 or only a little later.   The loss of life on both sides was unprecedented, and unexpected, and stupid. Assuming the United States had actually been neutral, Britain is in dire straights. No mass shipments o

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